Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Back from vacation

Well I'm back from my amazing vacation in Mexico! Although sad to leave the warm white sandy beaches and crystal clear turquoise ocean behind I'm excited to start on my new series of work! The goal is to have many new items in my etsy shop over the next couple of months. I also have photos of that laundry room makeover I keep promising but was too busy to post before my trip.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New light fixture!

Our new light fixture that I ordered from Schoolhouse Electric arrived last weekend! My fiance installed it in our laundry room and I love it! It fits so perfectly in our 1940 bungalow, I think I'm going to purchase a matching one for our hallway. I'm hoping to try to finish up our laundry room this weekend before I take some vacation time so hopefully I will have some photos in the next few days!