Monday, July 9, 2012

On Maternity Leave - DIY Baby Mobile

So we are expecting our first baby any day now! My etsy shop has been in vacation mode, I'm not exactly sure when I will re-open it, I have to see how I'm feeling after the delivery. I'm hoping to take this time to catch up on my blog, work on some home projects and hopefully work on some new designs for my etsy shop. I finally have some before and after house project photos I will be posting over the next several weeks. We've been working so hard on the house trying to get things done before the baby arrives I've had to neglect my blog, there just aren't enough hours in the day.

The last few days I've been working on a DIY airplane mobile for our babies room. I'm going to be posting a how to tutorial soon so keep checking back or like me on Facebook where I will post a link once it's up.

Here are some photos of the final mobile!

I'll be posting before and after photos of the entire baby room within the next few days as long as the baby doesn't arrive before I have the chance to post them!


  1. I Love this!! I Can't wait for the tutorial! :)

  2. This would go so well for my stratford green apartment homes. I can't wait for the tutorial too!

  3. This is EXACTLY what I am looking to make!! I hope you get the tutorial up soon :)

  4. Are you going to be posting a tutorial?

  5. Hi! I'm also getting things set up for our little bundle, and I was wondering if you had the diy instructions ready? I am in LOVE with your nursery, and the airplane mobile is the cutest one I have seen yet!!

  6. I would love to find the DIY instructions as well! This is awesome and I would love to hang it in my baby boy's room that is due in May!! Where can I find how to make this??
